木のまちづくりから未来のヒントを見つけるマガジン キノマチウェブ





Petri Heino(ペトリ・ヘイノ)
1995 Master of Science in Marketing, University of Helsinki
2000 Manager, the Finnish Forest Industries Federation
2011 Research Manager, Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences
2016-present  Manager of National Wood Building Program at the Ministry of the Environment of Finland















the Wood in Construction Technology Programme (1995-1998)
the Year of Wood (1996)、the Time of Wood (1997-2000)
Wood Finland (1998-2005)、Wood Construction (2000)
the Programme for Promotion of Wood Construction (2004-2010)
the Strategic Programme for the Forest Sector (2011-2015)
the National Forest Programme (2015)
the Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland


2016年以降、フィンランドの環境省は「The Finnish Wood Building Program」に着手しました。産業に関する技術基盤の強化や木造の建設工事に関連する法律や建築規制の改正、木造の建設工事に関して根拠に基づいた情報の提供などにより説得力のある木材の利用法を普及・促進します。このプログラムの最終目標は、木造の建設工事をフィンランドの建設産業の不可欠な一面として定着させることです。



公共入札で木材を利用していく政策は、主にセメント業界から自由競争法への干渉を理由に批判されることになりました。しかしヘルシンキ市がホンカスオ近隣地区を木造建築とすることに対して合法とした2015年の裁判所の判決をもとに、このような批判を退けることができるようになるかもしれません。ただ、この裁判所の判決は、他の自治体に行動を促すこととなりました。例えば、ミュッリュプロ などの都市開発プロジェクトでは木材による建材利用が義務付けられました。

アアルト大学やヘルシンキ総合大学、東フィンランド総合大学、オウル総合大学と タンペレ総合大学があります。主な資金提供者は政府の基金運営、投資を担う「ビジネス・フィンランド」という組織です。フィンランド森林研究所、フィンランド環境研究所、フィンランド労働衛生研究所、フィンランド技術研究センターで、木材の材料特性や利用方法、木造の建設工事について研究されています。また、2021年からアアルト大学建築学部に木材建築学科が設置される予定です。



ヤトゥカサーリのウッドシティプロジェクトは、木材産業の市場をリードする木材サプライヤーであるStora Enso社が建設会社であるSRV社との協力で、不動産会社と建設会社の役割を果たす組織によるものの一例です。この優れた事業体により、Stora EnsoはLVLによる木造フレームのハイブリッド構造の導入など、研究と開発、新しい構工法や製品のテストを行うことができました。工業技術を実践的に学べるショーケースプロジェクトを創出し、将来に向けた産業が進むべき道標となる木造建築の開発を目指していました。

もう1つの事例は、MetsäWood社の 「Prodlib」 プロジェクトです。このプロジェクトは木造の建設ソリューションと建築部材を提供するオープンソースのプラットフォームの確立に加えて、オープンに共有された革新技術を導入して、可能な限り簡単かつ簡便に使用できるようにすることで、設計者の作業を容易にすることを目的としています。それと同時に、木造建設部門においてMetsäWood社の地位を確立し、確固たるものにしました。MetsäWood社は、都市の建設で木材を使用する方法を見つけるために、世界中の建築家や学生と議論してきました。



建設部門に影響を及ぼす、21世紀の最も重要なトレンドは、人口動態の変化と気候変動に代表される環境問題、デジタル化とグローバル化に駆り立てられる世界経済の複雑化に関連しています。国連のパリ協定と持続可能な開発目標 (SDGs) の気候関連の目標に沿ってカーボンニュートラルな未来を築くためには、持続可能なバイオエコノミーの確立が必要となります。
















都市の教会「The Kamppi chapel of silence」






企画・編集:坂口大史(日本福祉大学)、山口一紀(Studio Moopy)、小林道和(竹中工務店)



Wood is the oldest building material known to man. Alongside with the availability of wood it remained characteristic of building practices of some areas. Situated in the cold northern coniferous climate zone, Finland is a country of building in wood.

The history of forest industry in Finland

Putting aside the centuries of tar export and small saw mills set up along the waterways, Finland began the large-scale exploitation of its forests in the late 19th century. By that time, both paper and saw mills were already creating profits for their owners, but also an increasingly comfortable livelihood for the workers. But only 60 year ago and after the Finnish civil war and the Continuation War with the Soviet Union, the real success of the forest industry started to have a clear visible impact. The development of the welfare state is linked to the triumph of the forest industry.

After the wars the development of prefabricated industrial home manufacturing was strongly pushed forward. This resulted in to large export activities and especially strong industry to serve the Finnish single-family home customers.

The pressures of internationalisation, a reorientation of production in the pulp and paper industry and an extensive need for new investments triggered an intense process of change in the field of forest industry in the early 1980s. This led to the creation of huge international forest industry corporations. At the same time the wood products industry was focusing on high-quality renown Nordic coniferous sawn wood, which has been a brand among customers in various markets. Slowly grown, straight grain and there for strong spruce and pine wood is suitable for glulam production and for end-uses of high visual quality needs.

During the 2000s, the demand for paper shrank dramatically, and the global recession reduced demand for lumber. There was talk of a depression in the forest industry, even of its end. But this was not the case.

But whatever the economic situation, the forest sector is a key player in promoting sustainable development in Finland. The ongoing structural change in the forest industry focuses not only on improving existing products but also on developing new bioproducts and energy solutions based on forest resources and wood. In the wood product industry, the use of wood in construction in particular is expected to be a significant growth area, since wood is a low-energy, renewable construction material throughout its life cycle while providing long-term carbon sequestration.

The forest has more value than just the price of its lumber, and this is an increasingly important, even vital, part of the way we think about forests.

The spread of wood architecture Finland

Building with wood has been promoted since the 1990s through a variety of policy programmes and action plans, such as Wood Construction 2000, the Wood in Construction Technology Programme 1995–1998, the Year of Wood 1996, the Time of Wood 1997–2000, Wood Finland 1998–2005, the Programme for Promotion of Wood Construction 2004–2010, the Strategic Programme for the Forest Sector 2011–2015, the National Forest Programme 2015, and funding programmes such as the Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland. 

Since 2016 the Ministry of Environment launched the Finnish Wood Building Program. On a persuative level it promotes the use of wood by strengthening the skills base in the industry, updating legislation and building regulations relevant to wood construction and by providing evidence-based information on wood construction. The goal of the program is to entrench wood construction as an integral facet of the Finnish construction industry.

On a regulatory level the Finnish building codes have been revised in several steps over the last 20 years in order to reduce disadvantages of timber constructions compared to massive constructions. The planned for 2025 introduction of the LCA method into the building regulations will most probably have a positive impact, especially if the CO2 storage capacity of wood is taken into account positively.

At the municipal planning level, the use of urban planning, zoning and land allocation procedures can have a great impact, however, it may involve overcoming added difficulties. In the past, municipalities were often challenged when they requested wooden materials in public tenders. The strategy was criticised mainly by the cement industry, on the grounds of interfering with the free competition law. These accusations could have been rejected by the verdict of Finland’s Supreme Court in 2015, which legitimized the decision of the City of Helsinki to zone the Honkasuo neighbourhood to be built from wood. The court’s verdict encouraged other municipalities to act. For example, wood has been set since as an obligatory building material in urban development projects in Myllypuro and Kuninkaantammi. 

On a R&D (research and development) level, the most significant actors in the wood construction sector are Aalto University, the Universities of Helsinki, Eastern Finland and Oulu, and Tampere. The major funding provider is Business Finland. The properties of wood, the use of wood and wood construction are studied at the Finnish Forest Research Institute, the Finnish Environment Institute, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and VTT. From 2021 on the Aalto University will launch a new chair for wood architecture at the department of architecture.

The linkage between forest/industry/urban wood utilization (i.e. Wood city)

There are examples of successfull and far-reaching interrelationships of different stakeholders in the field of wood construction. This linkage is a strong opportunity for the forest and wood industry to achieve visibility and generate new markets. The growing market in multistorey buildings and public buildings are of industrys intrest.

The Wood City project in Jätkäsaari is one example for an organisation structure, where the market leading material supplier Stora Enso acted as developer and contractor at the same time – in collaboration with SRV building company. This constellation made it possible for Stora Enso to research, develop and and test new approaches and products – such as the introduction of a hybrid structure of LVL-timber frames. The aim was to create a showcase project in which engineering skills can be taught in a practical way and to develop wood architecture that acts as an indicator for industry`s future trends.

Another example is the „Prodlib“ project of Metsä Wood. The aim here was to establish an open source platform that provides wood construction solutions and building parts and to facilitate the work of designers by bringing in openly shared innovations for their use as easily and effortlessly as possible. And at the same time to establish and consolidate the position of Metsä Wood within the wood construction sector. Metsä Wood has several times challenged architects and students from around the world to find a way to use wood in urban construction. 

On a smaller scale for family and leisure houses Kontio managed to transform the traditional Finnish heritage of log houses into a modern state of the art product. Flexible automatisation provides custom made solution and an efficient production chain at once.

New market and trends in wood architecture

The most significant trends of the 21st century with an impact on the construction sector relate to demographic changes, environmental issues (principally climate change) and the increasing complexity of the global economy, driven by digitalisation and globalisation. A sustainable bioeconomy will be necessary to build a carbon neutral future in line with the climate objectives of the UN Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Trend:SDGs and Circular Economy

To meet the SDGs on sustainable production and consumption (goal 12), the construction sector should be considered a key area to improve efficient use of natural resources (goal 12.2) and reduce waste generation (goal 12.5). With buildings being more energy efficient during their use phase, the relative importance of embodied energy and natural resources is becoming more significant to enhance resource efficiency of buildings. Circular strategies aim to first prolong the useful life of products and components and then close material flows once the end-of-life is irreversibly reached. This has the potential to maintain the quality of resources over time beyond a single life and reduce resource extraction and waste generation.

Timber is by nature renewable and it uses low energy processes and generates little waste that cannot be recycled or used otherwise – e.g. for other building materials or as a source of renewable fuel. It is a cost-free solution to carbon capture. Wood can also be used to offset sectors of the economy that cannot become carbon neutral, so it is beneficial to use this natural and renewable material instead of other materials.

Trend:ESG Investments“ (ESG = Environmental, Social, Governance)

Buildings consume many resources and we spend so much time in them. They represent an outsized opportunity. Besides the environmental impact there are economical ones. A property with a green building certification can result in higher occupancy rates or increased tenant satisfaction, which translates into longer leases, higher demand or a rent premium. Studies also show green buildings to enjoy a price premium, a lower default risk, lower volatility and slower rate of depreciation. 

Trend:Urban Redensification

The pressure is great to create socially acceptable living space under economic, social and environmental aspects. Redensification is forward-looking, as it aims to use released areas and protect undeveloped land and avoids the sprawl of the landscape. Timber construction offers fast, high-quality and, in particular, existing-compatible solutions for sustainable redensification in urban areas. It scores with short construction times, a high degree of prefabrication, which reduces construction site traffic, and a good ecological balance. 

Trend:Healing Architecture

Numerous reports have shown that a calm and relaxing environment, particularly if it reflects nature, can have a positive effect on our emotional and physical health. Wood in particular has a positive effect on human health is because it lowers the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation. SNS causes the stress response; increasing blood pressure and heart rate and inhibiting functions like digesting, recovery and repair. When surrounded by nature and timber products, these symptoms decrease. 


At the moment we experience a new era for wood. There is a huge interest in building with wood in multistorey apartment buildings and in public buildings. The structural choices are developed to make way to cost-efficient and user friendlier buildings. The use of massive wood, horizontal logs, CLT and LVL simplifies construction processes which leaves less space for mistakes. Prefabrication is the key for material efficiency and the speed of construction. New architectural features are found, especially the free forms.

 What is also evident is that international co-operation is needed in order to spread the knowledge. The co-operation is needed in several levels: governmental, academic, and company. The Wood Program at Aalto University is a forerunner in connecting interested architect students around the world. The program is a base for continued research and development co-operation when students go back to their home universities.

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